Anne Hathaway to Guest Star on 'Glee!'

Confirmed Arne creator Ryan Murphy is set to actress Anne Hathaway to make the image appear - also carved out a role for yourself! She said she wanted lesbian aunt Chris Kurt Colfer character to play, and forced Murphy.
Ryan said: "What is great about Miley Cyrus that have character and we ran for just and we said," Really? "So we're going to do this, and we love him."
At the same time, one of the stars of the show the other, Amber Riley for more news on upcoming episodes, and seems to have been planning for two songs Justin Bieber in the script.
The actress, who plays Mercedes Jones: "There are only two songs Pepper, and I think that the 'Baby' is one and I think that this is true," someone to love. ".. I think ... it's two songs."
Ryan stressed that "Pepper comes in Episode 13 as a minor plot" - and added another episode of Lady Gaga in the works.
The young star and one of the "born that way," will be used to determine the fate of school bullying Karofsky, played by Max Adler, and hinted the show may be gay lit.
Ryan explained: .. "I love that song is the anthem of this exhibition is by nature an optimist, and I think that such a character Karofsky may turn to alcohol or grain alcohol or kill yourself or do something dark, but I also love Max and I, I love this character, and I love the character of something on a happy ending for her.
"So I do not really know what it is, but I know that song go the whole episode .."
In the last month, Chris Colfer the same name from the celebrity that he, like most to work with him on the show.

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