China Plants Flag on Constitution Avenue

China Plants Flag on Constitution Avenue:Tuesday night, Obama was the scenario closely.
Sat in the corporate media described as "unusual and intimate dinner" with Hu Jintao, President of the Executive of the work and extensive slave labor camps and the dream of global order in China.
After dinner, Hu Jintao and Jinato Obama has a "full fat Gala" to celebrate the brilliance of the design which has no value to instill wese'n Chinese flag on American soil.
Associated Press designed to recognize the vital relationship with the prayer on-the-top to "allay the doubts the American public about China," A nation that continues to torture and individuals to exercise their rights to freedom of association, freedom of religion and freedom of expression.
Under the corporate media lecture Obama China's oppression of Tibet, Uhgurs, Falun Gong, and environmental degradation, and currency manipulation and intellectual property theft, and lack of balance and unfair trade practices, violation of human rights and the release of Liu Xiaobo, winner of the Nobel Prize captured by the Chinese leadership authoritarian .

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