Egypt’s Young Seize Role of Key Opposition to Mubarak

Over the decades, Egyptian President Hosni Mubarak's regime, Hosni Mubarak, a smart game with his political opponents. Enlarge This Image Goran Tomasevic / Reuters Mohamed ElBaradei, tried to tough opposition in Egypt to join. "Frankly, I do not think people were ready," he said. More Photos »
Tolerance with the opposition and said he was not small and the teeth of liberal intellectuals who unsuccessfully campaigning interface democratic process. Banned and demonized Muslim Brotherhood as a group of violent extremists who pose a threat, and police used it to justify the state has proposed.
But this is the people and the persistence of many here say, the relationship turned very comfortable this week with the emergence of a third force is unpredictable, and tens of thousands of head of young Egyptians, who seem to end a 30 - year reign g Mubarak has asked.
Now the two old adversaries are quick to catch up.
"It was young people who took the initiative and set a date and decided to go," Mohamed ElBaradei, former director of the International Atomic Energy Agency watchdog on Wednesday with some surprise, during a telephone interview from his office in Vienna, before the rush start to Cairo to join the uprising.
Dr. ElBaradei, the Nobel laureate, is the public face of an attempt to unite the opposition and the gray Egypt cumbersome and ineffective since the fall of his country's politics for almost a year, said the movement was committed to his youth. "Young people are impatient," he said. "Frankly, I do not think people are ready."
But the willingness - of tens of thousands face tear gas and rubber bullets, and security officers known to torture - has threatened to overshadow the traditional opposition groups, or congestion.
Many of the smaller parties legally recognized political parties - more than 20 in total, with barely supporters Salon fully with them - and put new procedures in order to extract the change, but the lack of credibility with young people on the road.
Until the Muslim Brotherhood and have grown very protective of the parameters and place in the new youth movement, he says, some analysts and former members. Muslim Brotherhood in Egypt is still the largest base of support from outside the government, but he can not claim the only party that can be transformed to the masses of people in the street.
"Brotherhood is more effective player in the political arena," said Emad Shahin, Egyptian researcher now at the University of Notre Dame. "If you look at the rebellion of Tunisia, and this is an uprising of youth, and young people who know how to use the media, the Internet, Facebook, so there are many other players now."
Dr. ElBaradei, in contrast, fought for almost a year under the umbrella of the opposition group, the National Endowment for change together. But some derided as an enthusiastic standing in the world, who spends most of his time abroad, rather than barricades.
He said in interviews that he did not present himself as the savior of the political, the Egyptians had done their revolt. Now, he says: the youth movement "will have the confidence you need to know that change will happen to you, and not by the person you are the driving force -."
Dr. ElBaradei said that the demolition of the old relationship between Mr. Mubarak and the Muslim Brotherhood, represented by the youth movement a new challenge to U.S. policy as well.
"For years," said: "Mr. Mubarak, the demonization of the West from the Muslim Brotherhood, and the purchase of securities lock barrel, the only alternative is the idea of demons, and the Muslim Brotherhood, which is equivalent to Al Qaeda."
He added: "I'm sure that every option the Government of a free and fair elections in Egypt, a moderate, but America is trying really push Egypt and throughout the Arab world in this political extremism is unable to support oppression."
The roots of the uprising that filled the streets of Egypt this week, possibly extending to Tunisia for the insurgency, which has many of the demonstrators and said as an incentive. Almost three years ago, in the April 6, 2008, crushed the Egyptian government strike by a group of textile workers in the industrial city of Mahalla, and in response to a group of young activists who are in touch through Facebook and other social networking sites formed April 6 youth movement in solidarity with the strikers.
Their early attempts to call a general strike was a failure. But with time on the Internet of a network of leaders and others who came to him - the networks that helped to push the revolution Tunisia - are not unique in the Egyptian security police to create or eliminate them. The collection of the word on the internet to show their opposition to Oalvesad, tyranny and torture, which brought a lot of the road on Tuesday and Wednesday, unexpected movement of young people go online at the forefront as the most effective force in Egypt in the independent political life.

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