The Scene Outside – Hunt For Maksim Gelman

I just got back from roaming around the crime scene area of the East Street 24, St. Joseph
Avenue, the Middle East in 2619, with police cars, when I arrived, waiting for orders to the position held the surrounding area. Region to serve as a basis for response operations in all parts of the city to search for Gilman Maxim.
In the photo above, and crime scene units are suitable to come East Street 24, where Gilman killed his girlfriend and her mother about 16:30 today. Remain closed all of the Middle - 23 of means to Y Avenue, also began Gilman uitwyk north to kill, and chopped and carjacked and then another victim in the street the U.S. converged officials from every corner of the five boroughs and each type of unit in the Gulf of Sheepshead. There was a unit to combat terrorism, with readers mounted plates, k - 9 units and heavily armed response teams on the scene.
During the campaign around, I saw a major intersection het'n stationed police cars - often with the plate reader. Other patrol cars slowly turning in search of parked cars as they went. The police lights in order to clearly identify the suspect to avoid.
So far, and their struggle in the six still at large, and it seems that there are units in the region, and change the focus of their research, go for it.

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