Lawrence of Arabia, a 1962 British film based on the life of T. E. Lawrence directed by David Lean and produced by Sam Spiegel through his British company, Horizon Pictures, with the screenplay by Robert Bolt and Michael Wilson. The film stars Peter O’Toole in the title role. It is widely considered one of the greatest and most influential films in the history of cinema.
Lawrence of Arabia tells the story of Lieutenant Colonel Thomas Edward Lawrence who was known for his liaison role during the Arab Revolt against the Ottoman Turkish rule that was happening during 1916 to 1918. Yet, some see this Lawrence of Arabia as the tragedy of Lawrence’s life for which he felt eternally guilty. On the other hand, despite Lloyd George and President Clemenceau of France striking such a deal, Lawrence succeeded under Churchill at the Colonial Office in creating the kingdoms of Iraq and Transjordan, on whose thrones were placed the Arab brothers he trusted, Faisal and Abdullah.