Libya Rebels Flee Gaddafi's Assault

Came Muammar Gaddafi, the rebel forces with tanks and rockets, turned its rapid development to the withdrawal of panic at the hour of battle is long Tues battle highlights the dilemma facing the United States and its allies in Libya: Gaddafi rebels may not be for the Elimination militarily if the air strikes controversial in earlier international goBeyond that, even in its making.
Opposition calls for strike fighters who fled from the village of Al Jawad, where artillery shells fell thunderously, raising plumes of smoke. There is such strikes launched during the fighting, and some of the rebels, shouting "Sarkozy, where are you?" - A reference to French President Nicolas Sarkozy, one of the strongest supporters of the use of air power against Gaddafi.
Overnight reports showed that the rebels were fleeing from the beach and Lanouf header.
Leaders of the Group of Eight meeting in London, said Gadhafi should step down, but has not decided what additional pressure to sit.
"Gaddafi International Foundation for the legitimacy to lead astray, so we believe that he should go, and we are working with the international community in an attempt to achieve this result," X. He said U.S. Secretary of State Hillary Clinton told reporters after the talks.
He said German Foreign Minister Guido Westerwelle "should be very clear to Gaddafi: his time is over." But let Germany and other countries have reservations about the current military intervention in Libya, and improvement alone.
France hit a ton stronger. Defense Minister Gerard Longuet of France Inter radio that Paris and London believe that the campaign "to get more" from the end of the shooting of civilians.
Clear the way insurgents Tuesday as it depends on how the Air Force International. A few days ago, and they went to attack the West in hopes of getting the hometown of Sirte, Gaddafi and a stronghold of support in central Libya. Have 60 miles (100 kilometers) from the city before hitting by forces bombed Gaddafi, driving them back to the east of Jawad bin under a barrage of rockets and tank fire.
Withdrawal of untrained volunteers who do most of the rebel forces and many of the sludge, in a brawl to panic. But a few of them supported by special forces soldiers in the insurgency and military units have had a position in the Jawad bin bring missiles mounted on trucks and returned fire.

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